Forensic Interviews
A forensic interview is a legally sound, neutral, fact finding interview. Interviewers at Turning Point CAC are specially trained to conduct these interviews and participate in ongoing training to stay up to date with best practices. Interviews are coordinated with our MDT team so team members assigned to each case can be present to observe the interview.
Prior to CACs and Forensic Interviews, children were often interviewed over 8 times by various professionals handling their cases. This many interviews with several people delayed healing by re-traumatizing children. The MDT process and forensic interviews conducted at CACs reduces the number of times a child is interviewed therefore reducing the re-traumatization of children. In Illinois all children have a right to have a forensic interview if there are allegations they are the victim of abuse.

Turning Point CAC’s Advocate greets the child and caregiver when they arrive for their first appointment and will continue to stay in contact after the initial appointment until the conclusion of the child’s case. The advocate is the child’s, or their caregiver’s point of contact at TPCAC. The Advocate will educate the caregivers about the criminal justice process and the progress of their case as well as provide referrals to services needed, provide support during court hearings, help with coordination of court preparation if a case goes to trial and lend emotional support throughout the entire case.
The Advocate can share the family’s concerns with team members and collaborate with other service providers
Turning Point’s advocate has multiple resources to assist families as well as community connections to share when families have additional needs.

Trauma Therapy
Turning Point CAC works closely with Monarch Trauma Counseling. Every child and many non-offending caregivers that the CAC serves is eligible receive a referral for counseling services. There are no income or insurance requirements for counseling through the CAC. All counseling services are offered at NO COST for the family.
MONARCH TRAUMA COUNSELING – Monarch Trauma Counseling Center is based out of Moline, IL. Monarch’s roots date back to 1976 and we have provided trauma specific therapy to thousands of children and families. Monarch utilizes a cognitive behavioral trauma focused approach as well as providing psychoeducation on various topics including but not limited to; personal safety, emotional regulation, healthy relationships and goal setting. Monarch therapists are master level therapists with specific experience and training in trauma. We look forward to helping children and families navigate this challenging time.
Kelli Griffith LCPC, NCC
Hi! I am one of the counselors at Monarch and the owner. I have been working as a counselor at Monarch for the past 22 years. I am a licensed Clinical Professional Counselor as well as a Nationally Certified Counselor. I have a background in child welfare and work well with the team at Turning Point. I am trained in various treatment modalities, including Mindfulness, Theraplay techniques, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) but my passion has always been in evidence-based trauma focused treatment. I have experience in working with all ages of children and strongly believe in building a positive therapeutic relationship and providing a safe and comfortable environment for both the child and the family.

Outreach & Prevention
Turning Point provides Prevention Education, required by Erin’s Law, in schools for kids Pre-K through High School. These presentations are age appropriate and help kids understand and recognize safe/unsafe touches and identify safe people to talk to. We also provide presentations on healthy relationships, respect and consent to students.
In addition to school presentations Turning Point provides public education by conducting and/or attending events in our communities and talking to the public. We are available to talk to any community group or at events. Topics include our CAC services and What is a CAC?, recognizing the signs of abuse, how to respond to a disclosure of abuse and more.
Other Referral & Connections
Our CAC staff attend multiple trainings, meetings and networking events to learn about services available in our communities. The information gained and the relationships we form are critical to ensuring we can help clients get needed services.